Common C, C++, FORTRAN Libraries
From PHYSpedia
There are a number of common libraries for computational physics and numerical analysis. Here are a few links for tutorials and information for installation of commonly-used tools.
Linear Algebra
BLAS under Linux
BLAS stands for "Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms". Originally written in FORTRAN in the late 70's, it is still used by many libraries to do "low level" linear algebra operations. It is still the standard by which the performance of all other linear algebra libraries are measured.
Linear Algebra in Linux (BLAS/LAPACK)
Setting up BLAS in Linux (yum-based systems)
Matrix Multiplication with BLAS and CBLAS
GSL BLAS Examples (such as matrix multiply)
Special Functions
The GSL also has calls for C and C++ for a variety of linear algebra functions found in BLAS and other packages.