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Author: Jack Maseberg

Guide to getting LaTeX running on your computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux)!

1) Install TeX Live:
Windows: download and run the file from here (
Macs: (
Linux (Ubuntu): use synaptic to install the texlive package

Note that the net installers look deceptively small is size, but the texlive folder on my windows machine is about 2.5 GB in size, so make sure you have HD space before you start!

2) Install a LaTeX editor. I use the cross-platform Texmaker (

3) Install REVTeX

It may be useful to refer to this site: when installing the custom styles and bibliography formats.

4) Get this example template: File:Advanced lab.tar (Use 7-Zip,, on Windows to extract this .tar file.)

5) Configure Texmaker: go to toolbar, choose options/quick build/User, add the following text

latex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex|bibtex %.aux|latex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex|latex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex|dvips -t letter %.dvi -o|ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress

Using LaTeX

LaTeX Wikibook: