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http://nearspaceventures.com/w3Baltrak/readyget.pl  (Hays airport is HYS.)
http://nearspaceventures.com/w3Baltrak/readyget.pl  (Hays airport is HYS)

Revision as of 11:20, 22 November 2011

High Altitude Balloon (HAB) Dec 3, 2011 Launch (FHSU Phys 100 class project)

Notes (from EXTREMELY HELPFUL discussions with Paul Verhage, check out http://www.nearspacenetwork.com):

NOTAM (Notice to Airmen for HiBall) Phone Number: 877.487.6867

Don't launch if the winds are in excess of 10 mph. When filling the balloon, fill with no regulator. Use cotton or latex gloves to handle the balloon. Fill balloon with a 1" PVC pipe with end-cap adapter to gas line (the PVC has a hook on it so a digital fish scale can be attached). Fill the balloon so that the lift force exceeds the payload weight by about 2.5 - 3 lbs. (If the lift force exceeds the payload weight by only ~1 lb it is possible to achieve neutral buoyancy!) To tie off balloon: twist rubber and then tie string around the balloon's neck where the rubber is thick, then fold the neck up and wrap with duct tape.

Trajectory predictions


http://nearspaceventures.com/w3Baltrak/readyget.pl (Hays airport is HYS)

GPS/Radio Tracking


Latex Weather Balloon ($90), http://www.amazon.com/30ft-Professional-Weather-Balloon-1200g/dp/B00513FWQI


mass = 1.2 kg, 10ft diameter at release, 30 ft diameter at burst Nominal lift: 7.6 lbs Maximum lift: 15 lbs Nominal burst altitude: 115,000 ft

Parachute ($55), 6ft, 173 g or 6.1 oz, http://www.the-rocketman.com


Weight: Descent speed: 6.5 lb (4.77 m/s, 15.65 ft/s) 8 lb (5.39 m/s, 17.67 ft/s) 11.5 lb (6.35 m/s, 20.82 ft/s) 17 lb (7.72 m/s, 25.32 ft/s)

Payload container, Foam core board

Digital Camera ($270), Canon PowerShot D10, http://usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/cameras/digital_cameras/powershot_d10


12.1 MP Waterproof Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-Inch LCD

Using a 4 GB SDHC card and CHDK camera firmware... http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/CHDK

SPOT Tracker ($320), http://www.findmespot.com/en/

Tracks... http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0obLunbKoqbsUuEq5OyCLRQX3c3lWMFdo

Vernier LabPro http://www.vernier.com/products/interfaces/labpro/