File list

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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
16:31, 18 January 2012 (file) 918 bytes Jwmaseberg   1
16:31, 18 January 2012 (file) 225 bytes Jwmaseberg   1
13:21, 2 February 2012 Advanced lab.tar (file) 423 KB Jwmaseberg   1
13:52, 6 February 2012 Robot.cpp (file) 2 KB Jwmaseberg   1
13:54, 6 February 2012 Hbridge.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
1.2 MB Jwmaseberg   1
16:14, 12 February 2012 Prototype unified test.ino (file) 7 KB Jwmaseberg   3
16:15, 12 February 2012 Kinect bot.ino (file) 7 KB Jwmaseberg   1
16:27, 12 February 2012 Uno schem.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
1.74 MB Jwmaseberg   2
15:52, 20 February 2012 INTERLOCK.ino (file) 647 bytes Anonymous   2
18:06, 12 March 2012 Gnuplot tutorial pic 001.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
5 KB Cclark   1
18:06, 12 March 2012 Gnuplot tutorial pic 002.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Cclark   1
18:06, 12 March 2012 Gnuplot tutorial pic 003.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Cclark   1
18:16, 12 March 2012 Gnuplot tutorial pic 004.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Cclark   1
19:07, 12 March 2012 Gnuplot tutorial pic 005.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
5 KB Cclark   1
19:31, 12 March 2012 Gnuplot tutorial pic 006.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
5 KB Cclark   1
18:25, 13 March 2012 Gnuplot tutorial pic 007.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
4 KB Cclark   2
18:40, 13 March 2012 Gnuplot tutorial pic 008.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
3 KB Cclark   1
09:56, 14 March 2012 Gnuplot tutorial pic 009.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
3 KB Cclark   1
06:26, 15 March 2012 Gnuplot tutorial pic 010.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
2 KB Cclark   1
06:27, 15 March 2012 Simple.txt (file) 36 bytes Cclark   1
06:52, 15 March 2012 Gnuplot tutorial pic 011.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
3 KB Cclark   2
09:27, 15 March 2012 T vs t model-1.txt (file) 21 KB Cclark   1
09:27, 15 March 2012 T vs t model-2.txt (file) 6 KB Cclark   1
08:41, 29 March 2012 Uncertainty Lecture.pdf (file) 449 KB Laser Data Analysis and Uncertainty Lecture Slides 1
11:58, 21 January 2013 First Boot Step 1.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
646 KB Cclark Activating Guest Additions: Step 1 1
11:59, 21 January 2013 First Boot Step 2.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
487 KB Cclark Activating Guest Additions: Step 2 1
11:59, 21 January 2013 First Boot Step 3.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
424 KB Cclark Activating Guest Additions: Step 3 1
09:39, 21 February 2013 Simple2.txt (file) 76 bytes Cclark simple multi-column text file that can be plotted with gnuplot 1
09:42, 21 February 2013 Large-data.txt (file) 4 KB Cclark multi-column data file that can be plotted with gnuplot 1
20:21, 14 November 2016 Sin.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
5 KB Cclark   2
22:22, 30 November 2016 Y1.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Lbender The first trial using the Yeti brand cup. This trial yielded a value of 4.3 ± 0.2 (1/min) for the cooling constant. 1
22:23, 30 November 2016 Y2.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Lbender The first trial using the Yeti brand cup. This trial yielded a value of 4.5 ± 0.1 (1/min) for the cooling constant. 1
22:24, 30 November 2016 Y3.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Lbender The third trial using the Yeti brand cup. This trial yielded a value of 4.61 ± 0.03 (1/min) for the cooling constant. 1
22:26, 30 November 2016 C1.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Lbender The first trial using the Yeti brand coozie. This trial yielded a value of 4.89 ± 0.02 (1/min) for the cooling constant. 1
22:26, 30 November 2016 C2.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Lbender The second trial using the Yeti brand coozie. This trial yielded a value of 5.20 ± 0.07 (1/min) for the cooling constant. 1
22:27, 30 November 2016 C3.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Lbender The third trial using the Yeti brand coozie. This trial yielded a value of 5.97 ± 0.09 (1/min) for the cooling constant. 1
22:28, 30 November 2016 KO1.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
7 KB Lbender The first trial using the MyBevi brand cup. This trial yielded a value of 5.51 ± 0.03 (1/min) for the cooling constant. 1
22:29, 30 November 2016 KO2.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Lbender The second trial using the MyBevi brand cup. This trial yielded a value of 5.16 ± 0.02 (1/min) for the cooling constant. 1
22:29, 30 November 2016 KO3.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
7 KB Lbender The third trial using the MyBevi brand cup. This trial yielded a value of 5.34 ± 0.02 (1/min) for the cooling constant. 1
22:31, 30 November 2016 S1.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Lbender The first trial using a styrofoam cup. This trial yielded a value of 12.8 ± 0.2 (1/min) for the cooling constant. 1
22:31, 30 November 2016 S2.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Lbender The second trial using a styrofoam cup. This trial yielded a value of 12.2 ± 0.3 (1/min) for the cooling constant. 1
22:32, 30 November 2016 S3.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Lbender The third trial using a styrofoam cup. This trial yielded a value of 11.5 ± 0.3 (1/min) for the cooling constant. 1
14:18, 1 December 2016 Thermal Project Data.xlsx (file) 55 KB Lbender The data for the Newton's Law of Cooling Experiment 1
14:19, 1 December 2016 Thermal Project Averages.xlsx (file) 148 KB Lbender The data for the average of each trial for the Newton's Law of cooling experiment 1
11:38, 2 December 2016 KOA.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
7 KB Lbender The average data for the MyBevi cup 1
11:38, 2 December 2016 AC.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
7 KB Lbender The average data for the coozie 1
11:39, 2 December 2016 ASTY.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
6 KB Lbender The average data for the styrofoam cup 1
11:39, 2 December 2016 AY.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
7 KB Lbender The average data for the Yeti cup 1
11:59, 2 December 2016 TABLE.PNG (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
9 KB Lbender Table of the cooling constants for all of the configurations in the experiment 1
12:12, 2 December 2016 Project rodrigo.PNG (file)
Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: /usr/bin/convert: not found

Error code: 127
682 KB Rabauza   2
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